Welcome to Chonk Furrever! You are but a small boi with BIG dreams of cheese.  You heard there is a pantry in the kitchen that's full of cheese, but can you get past the mean rats? 


Left: "<-" or "A" keys

Right: "->" or "D" keys

Jump: "Space", "^" or "W" keys

Stuck? Press "R" to restart the level at any time. 


Art / Level Design: Evan Dawson-Greer: Geistder - itch.io

Programming: Zach Carter: zcarter - itch.io

Music: Justin Williams: https://soundcloud.com/oregonaddict


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Great work on this!

The visuals are very well made and the audio was very funny xD I enjoy the platforming too! 

I liked the huge rat at the end of each level with the animation of him getting scared and running away. It's a small addition that adds a lot of character, so good job on that!

Keep it up :)